Why Inaccu rate
of 4-electrode body fat scal
No measurement of the upper part of the body;
(The current only goes through the lower part of the body)
No mutual confirmation of the test resuit;
(Test BIA with only one current in lower frequenc
Outputs: Total Body Water: Protein, Minerais, Weight; Muscle Mass, Body Fat Mass, Percent Body Fat.BMI, Basai Metabolic Rate,
Waist-Hip Ratio, Waist Circumference, Viscéral Fat Level, Segmentai Lean Analysis(Right Arm, Left Arm, Trunk, Right Leg: Left Leg),
Segmentai Fat Analysis(Right Arm, Left Arm: Trunk, Right Leg, Left Leg), InBody Score, Fat Control, Muscle Control, Impedance (Each segment and each frequency)
Database: The firmware can save up to 100 results. The App can save up unlimited results.
Connection : Bluetooth 4.0
Why Inaccurate
of 4-electrode body fat scale
No measurement of the upper part of the body; (The current only goes through the lower part of the body) No mutual confirmation of the test resukt; (Test BIA with only one current in lower frequency ) Apply formula to estimate the body data instead of measurement.
4-electrode VS 8-electrode
1.Measure - lower part One current in low frequency
2.Apply - formula to estimate Output général data
3.Less than 50% accuracy rate
4.Measure - the whole body
5.2 or 3 currents in différent frequencies
6.Measure directly
7.Output separate data of arms, body and legs
8.ln a high degree of accuracy ( The représentative is Inbody 370, Inbody 570, Inbody 770, whose accuracy rate is 97%, 98%, and 99% of gold standard.)