Sophisticated production technologies create a chemically inert, homogeneously crystallised and biocompatible material. The stable, lightweight PEEK, which has been proven for years in surgery, offers maximum comfort and is ideally suited for fixed and removable dentures. CAD/CAM-based manufacturing guarantees precision from clasp model casting to implant-supported work.
100% metal-free treatment
no biological interactions
high chemical resistance
certified biomaterial
excellent dimensional stability
excellent gliding ability
excellent abrasion resistance
good machinability
high heat resistance
physiologically harmless
almost no water absorption
high chemical resistance
break and shatter proof
outstanding fracture work and toughness
PEEK NATURE is suitable for the production of indirect temporary and permanent dental applications (EU medical device class IIa):
transversal connectors
sublingual clasps
frameworks for clasp dentures
bite splints
retaining elements
retaining clasps
bar constructions