MESI mTABLET TBI - The Simplest Wireless Toe-Brachial Index
- Quick and reliable TBI measurement with pulse waveform interpretation
- Simple 1-step automated TBI measurement performed in 1 minute
- AdaptiveLEDTM PPG probe detects skin thickness for increased accuracy
- Safe, simultaneous measurements in both arms and big toes, with adaptive, infrared LED PPG light, detecting toe skin temperature and thickness
- FirstWaveTM algorithm for detecting the first returning pulse waveform in the toes
- Comprehensive and reliable TBI report with pulse waveforms and oscillation graphs for the arms and PPG pulse waveforms for the toes
- Single-use (disposable) toe cuffs available
Application extensions
The MESI mTABLET TBI is not only an advanced Toe-Brachial Index measuring device. By adding smart applications such as DgtP, you can also perform a complete assessment of the vascular response in the hand digit arteries. Among other conditions, you can study the effect of a fistula on the hand circulation of ESRD patients with the use of your existing device. Expand the use of your device whenever you require new measurements!