The Micro 6000, is engineered for basic Spirometry in the environment of Clinical Trials and multiple test environments.
The system uses the durable Heated Lilly Pneumotachograph, this provides assured accuracy without effect of water vapour, the heating preventing condensation on the metal mesh screen.
The full weather station then applies BTPS correction based on the ambient environment.
Small, compact system for complete basic spirometry measurement, including Forced Vital Capacity, Slow Vital Capacity, Maximum Voluntary Ventilation and Minute Tidal Ventilation including bronchial provocation testing software.
High precision, reliable, accurate, and stable gold-standard Lilly heated pneumotachograph with no moving parts.
Integrated weather station (temperature, humidity and barometric pressure) for BTPS correction of the volume.
Low cost of operation and low maintenance.
Expair software suite with complete operator and patient guide included.
The Micro 6000 can be combined with the following devices:
Micro 5000 spirometer
BodyBox plethysmograph
HypAir pulmonary function testing system
SpiroAir volumetric pulmonary function testing system
Ergocard CPX exercise testing system
FeNObreath portable exhaled nitric oxide testing monitor
Resmon Pro V3 forced oscillation technique