Results “YES+” for Pregnant and “NO-” for not pregnant could be displayed on the screen, no need to analyse the lines.
·5 days before expected peiod.
·Accuracy: >99% at detecting the pregnancy hormone ( HCG)
·Critical value: 12.5mlU
· Life time: 24 months
·OEM and ODM are available.
When to use the Digital Pregnancy Test?
When a woman becomes pregnant, her body produces a hormone called hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin). The secretion of this hormone by the developing placenta begins soon after conception and increase rapidly throughout the first trimester.The Digital Pregancy Test is intended for self-use. It is a rapid, qualitative test for the determination of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in urine.With this test’ s high sensitivity, pregnancy can be determined as early as 5 days before you missed period.