Rapid quantitatiave microfluidic assay on mLabs® ImmunoMeter or Smart Analyzers
Precision: CV ≤ 15%
Sensitivity: 0.02 ng/ml for Troponin I
5 ng/ml for Myoglobin
• 3 in 1 panel for rapid measurements of Troponin I,
CK-MB and Myoglobin
• Easy to use - touch screen operation
• Fast - quantitative results in 4-8 minutes
• Simple - whole blood sample testing, no centrifuge
or laboratory equipment is required
• Stable - the signal is stable after testing and
remains constant for at least 30 minutes
• Précisé - %CV at cutoff - 15%
• Patented microfluidic technology enables
highly précisé and reliable quantitative
fluorescence immunoassay testing
Clinical Significances
• Provide diagnostic information to differentiate acute
myocardial infarction from other cardiac abnormalities
• Improve clinical, economie and operatbnal outcomes
• Reduce unneccessary admissions, cost and length
of stay
• Aid in rapid clinical treatment décision
• Suitable for use in emergency rooms, physician
offices, clinical laboratories and hospital departments
including cardiology, respiratory, maternity, surgery,
orthopedics, trauma and oncology