The FineFIX Module consists of a heated metal container in which the samples are immersed in Milestone’s FineFIX reagent at 40°C for 60 seconds in order to simultaneously carry out the specimen’s fixation, dehydration and fat extraction. After this step, specimens can be stained according to the user’s standard protocols.
Milestone’s high quality frozen sections are obtained by freezing samples with PrestoCHILL and processing the slides with FineFIX prior to staining.
FineFIX is a patented ethanol-based fixation and processing reagent.
It’s formulated with low toxicity additives, and it overcomes the disadvantages commonly associated with the use of pure ethanol or ethanol-based fixatives, such as significant tissue shrinkage, vacuolization and pyknotic nuclei.
The use of FineFIX Module significantly enhances your manual staining results.
Simple Process
Set time, operating temperature and max number of runs.
Immerse the slide rack in the FineFIX vessel and start the run.
After the FinFIX step, you can carry out your standard staining procedure.