From inpatient admissions to spot checks, the VS 9 Vital Signs Monitor unlocks the full potential of routine observations with comprehensive and flexible workflow options empowering clinicians to deliver high quality bedside care to each and every patient.
The VS 9 delivers precision vital signs measurements at rapid speeds, maximizing patient comfort and clinical efficiency.
To help ensure a timely reaction to patient deterioration and greater compliance with hospital guidelines, the VS 9 provides a comprehensive range of vital signs parameters with a variety of tools to support clinical decisions.
Detecting patient deterioration with Early Warning Scores
Fully compliant with all EWS standards, the automatic scoring system limits the need for manual calculation and input, reducing transcription errors and improving patient safety.
Assessing fall risk with orthostatic BP tool
To help reduce avoidable falls the VS 9 features and an innovative tool to recognize orthostatic hypotension (OH).
Improving Hypertension Screening with BP Average
Integrates a specific program to help practice unattended AOBP, since having an observer present when BP readings are obtained may lead to inaccurate values.
Assessing fall risk with orthostatic BP tool
To help reduce avoidable falls the VS 9 features and an innovative tool to recognize orthostatic hypotension (OH).
Truly flexible workflows
Providing comprehensive documentation at the point of care, the VS 9’s workflows unlock the full potential of bedside observations and help consolidate and speed up bedside assessments.
Vivid user interface
Truly interoperable connectivity