Employing the latest technologies the WATO EX-35Vet supports an extensive range of features and functionality, ensuring all anesthetic procedures for the animals are delivered safely, efficiently and effectively.
WATO EX-35Vet supports a full range of controlled and support modes of ventilation and with dynamic tidal volume compensation, tidal volume can be as low as 5ml.
Intelligence ventilation mode PCV-VG combines the advantages of volume control mode and pressure control mode, not only ensure the accuracy of volume but also to avoid lung injury of animals.*
With WATO EX-35Vet, the animal’s physiological status can be get easily and obviously, ensuring the animal’s safety during surgery.
3 waveforms display simultaneously
Monitoring parameters including airway pressure, tidal volume, respiratory rate, minute volume, etc
Plug and Play CO2 module or anesthetic agent module, Monitor animal respiration and soda lime consumption. Accurately monitor the concentration of anesthesia gas, effectively control the depth of anesthesia.*
The system provides 3 types of spirometry loop: Flow-Volume loop, Pressure-Volume, Pressure-Flow loop.*
The V60 Vaporizer''''s automatic Flow / Temperature /Pressure compensation ensure a constant output and accurate concentration of anesthetic agents even under different environmental conditions.
CE & FDA approval
Strict quality tests
The WATO EX-35Vet has been developed to make your routine workflow easier. A feature rich, ergonomically designed anesthesia system that can be positioned with ease and used for prolonged periods without experiencing unnecessary stress or fatigue.