A volumetric respirator with barometric control (open or closed circuit), used to resuscitate and anaesthetise animals weighing between 2 and 150 kg. Its integrated respiratory monitoring helps with the animal’s spontaneous respiration and detects apnea.
Volumetric respirator with a fixed frequency, open or close circuit, it's for reanimation and anaesthesia of animal weighing from 2 to 250 kg. This device has a trigger to increase the frequency according the patient airway calls. It's ventilatory monitoring assists spontaneaous breathings of the animal and detect apnea.The breathing circuit housed in the front boot is easily removable and can be cleaning in a cold desinfection solution.
- IMV deep insuflation every minute in a spontaneous/attended mode.
- Deep insuflation in case of animal call
- Automaticly switch in controlled mode when apnea detection