ScintCare CT128 is designed with superior specifications including a 4cm-wide detector, 8M flying spot tube, and 80kw high voltage generator, empowering challenging applications including cardiac scan.
Power: 80 kW
Gantry Bore: 70 cm
Scan Speed: 179.5mm/s
1.40 mm Z-axis coverage and 8 M tube allow the high scanning efficiency.
2.3D multi-frequency acquisition technology enables superior image quality with 128 slices per rotation.
3.The ScintiStar® Detector guarantees sufficient sampling per rotation with low afterglow and reduced artifacts.
4.NanoDose Iterative (NDI) and intelligent mA (imA) algorithms enable lower dose while preserving image quality.
5.1024 x 1024 Mega-pixel matrix fully displays details of lesions.
6.AI-empowered workflow provides easy and comfortable operation.
7.Robust hardware allows stable running.
ScintCare CT 128's design greatly enhances progressive yet robust technologies like the ScintiStar detector, 8M flying focal spot tube, and 80 kW high voltage generator, allowing it to perform challenging clinical applications, such as multi-phase cardiac imaging while handling high patient throughput.
Its image post-processing features can simplify even complex cardiac imaging with automatic artery straightening, stenosis analysis, and one-click coronary arterial tree extraction.