Using High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic Technology (HIFEM) to continuously expand and contract autologous muscles and carry out extreme training to deeply reshape the internal structure of the muscle,that is, the growth of muscle fibrils (muscle enlargement) and produce new protein chains and muscle fibers (muscle hyperplasia), so as to train and increase muscle density and volume.
The effect of increasing muscle:
HI-EMT uses a specific range of frequencies that do not allow muscle relaxation between two consecutive stimuli. Muscles are forced to maintain a contracted state for several seconds. When repeatedly exposed to these high-load conditions, muscle tissue is forced to adapt under pressure. Studies indicate that , One to two months after HI-EMT treatment, patients' average abdominal muscle thickness increased by 15% -16%.
Fat-reducing effect:
Several recent studies using CT, MRI, and ultrasound evaluations have reported a reduction in the subcutaneous fat layer of approximately 19% in patients treated with HI-EMT-based devices in the abdomen.
1. Lying Down for 30 Minutes=5.5 Hours of Exercise
2. Non-invasive treatment with no discomfort, Painless
3.19% Reduction in Fat
4.16% Increase in Muscle Mass
5. No downtime
6. Improve confidence in appearance
7. Noticeable, natural-looking results
8. Simple operation
9. Short treatment times