Shockwave is an acoustic wave which carries high energy to painful spots and skeletal tissues with subacute, sub chronic and chronic conditions. The energy promotes regeneration and reparative processes of the bones, tendons and other soft tissues.
TECAR Therapy – a form of thermotherapy – has been included in the spectrum of possible
therapeutic interventions for quick recovery of musculotendinous injuries in elite athletes .
TECAR Therapy is an abbreviation of: Transfer of Energy - Capacitive And Resistive;
high-frequency energy that awakens the body’s natural ability to self-regenerate; promoting the
natural processes of the tissue, metabolically transferring the energy without introducing radiation
from the external environment. Due to the lack of direct radiation produced, the energy is produced
by contact being applied with the body. TECAR Therapy promotes the natural processes of tissue
metabolism by transferring energy without introducing exterior radiant energy
The functions of shockwave:
In cell: enhances cell membrane permeability by increasing ion channel activity, promoting cell division, and stimulating cytokine production.
In tendon and muscle blood vessels: improves blood circulation, increases biogenic factor β1, and enhances osteoblast mitosis.
In nitrogen oxide system: accelerates bone remodeling and healing.
Improves microcirculation and metabolism
Promotes the dissolution of calcified fibrocytes
Promotes collagen synthesis
Reduces tissue tension
Alleviates pain
What is tecar therapy?
Tecar therapy is a part of Endogenous Thermotherapy, which is based on the principle of capacitive and resistive energy transfer (Capacitive-Resistive Diathermy).