The treatment heads of different shapes and sizes are flexible and ergonomic, so as to adapt to the body contour treatment and are designed to treat double chin, arms, abdomen, side waist, and buttocks (under hips). Banana), fat accumulation in thighs 2 and other parts. The instrument is equipped with two handles to work independently or synchronously. When the probe is placed on the skin surface of a selected area on the human body, the probe’s built-in vacuum negative pressure technology will capture the subcutaneous tissue of the selected area. Before cooling, it can be selectively performed at 37°C to 45°Cfor 3 minutes. The heating phase accelerates the local blood circulation, then it cools by itself, and the precisely controlled freezing energy is delivered to the designated part.
After the fat cells are cooled to a specific low temperature, the triglycerides are converted from liquid to solid, and the aging fat is crystallized. The cells will undergo apoptosis in 2 to 6 weeks, and then be excreted through the autologous lymphatic system and liver metabolism. It can reduce the thickness of the fat layer of the treatment site by 20%-27% at one time, eliminate fat cells without damaging the surrounding tissues, and achieve localization. Body sculpting effect that dissolves fat. Cryolipolysis can fundamentally reduce the number of fat cells, with almost no rebound