Show your patients what their skin really looks like and explain why they need treatment. The Antera 3D shows details invisible to the naked eye and removes subjective interpretation of treatments’ results. The Antera 3D is easy to use, fast, precise and will help you turning consultations into treatments and retaining your patients.
Provide evidence-based care.
Turn complex analysis into simple scores and graphs.
Remove subjective interpretation.
Provide objective results.
Don’t just promise results to your patients.
Show them proof.
Antera 3D is the best-in-class skin imaging device for measurement precision and versatility, providing Follow-up results you can stand by.
Would you like to measure skin topography? Wrinkles, skin texture, pores, acne scars, volumes?
Would you like to measure pigmentation and vascular lesions? Brown spots, hyper-pigmentation, rosacea, port wine stains, etc.?
Skin typing
Would you like to measure skin phototype, colour homogeneity?
Full body
Would you like to measure areas other than the face?
Simple image analysis.
Explanatory scores, graphs and tables.
One-click Reports.
Add products recommendations.
E-mail Summary reports to patients.
Full skin analysis in less than 60 seconds
Point & shoot. Image acquisition takes less than one second. No post-processing is required. All data is available in real-time, even before saving an image.
The Antera software can perform simultaneous analysis across different Channels and tens of images. You can analyse Colour, Wrinkles, Pigmentation, Texture, etc. at the same time.