The Misonix SonicOne O.R. System, now with SonicVac (as shown above) is an innovative ultrasonic surgical debridement system that allows surgeons to address the challenges chronic wounds present to them, the patient, and the health-care system. SonicOne O.R. establishes a new standard in surgical wound bed preparation, an essential first step in the wound healing process.
Top-Down Wound Debridement Means Better Outcomes
SonicOne O.R. utilizes ultrasonic technology in the form of a debridement modality which provides safe and effective removal of all nonviable tissue while safely preserving healthy structures. Sharp and non-distinct debridement techniques often result in inadvertent resection of viable tissue planes. The precision available with the SonicOne O.R. allows for surgical debridement layer by layer from superficial to deep while protecting underlying viable tissues.