The MMO6000 bed helps you mobilise patients comfortably and easily to facilitate safe, consistent recovery and rehabilitation
• Progress patients to a full chair position
• Enable early and frequent bed egress
• Reduce the risk of falls
• Adapt to individual patient’s needs
• Avoid shear and friction
• Facilitate feeding
• Standardised bed platform to meet the diverse needs of any facility
• Help deploy care protocols consistently throughout the facility
• Reduce user training needs
• Reduce time and cost of bed maintenance and repair
Mobilise Patients Safely to a Seating Position
It is well documented that early mobilisation and out-of-bed activity will improve patients’ outcomes. The MMO6000 bed assists caregivers to mobilise patients as safely as possible from seating to standing.
The MMO6000 bed’s intelligent design helps caregivers progress patients safely through the key stages of mobilisation. In the very early stages of recovery, the patient can be easily and safely mobilised to a fully seated position. The earlier this is achieved the earlier patients will stand, then walk.
When raised, the backrest will automatically pause at 30° and 45° elevation, two clinically beneficial positions:
They enhance the respiratory function, help prevent HAIs and improve patient well-being.
Caregivers can achieve these positions easily