Ventilation systems in large buildings (total air volume > 100 000 m3/h) are often equipped with circuit connected systems with heat recovery (CCS-HR), as air intake and output systems can be installed in different places and are not physically linked to each other. Plate and rotation heat exchangers for large air volumes per unit are difficult to implement (spatial conditions).
The application field of circuit connected systems is extensive. From primary ventilation systems for supplying building room areas to hospital buildings, laboratory buildings, chemistry, pharmacies, undercutting, pressing facilities, gantries, stores, trade fair halls, kitchens, restaurants, office buildings, biological laboratories, university buildings, administrative buildings, theatres, museums, fine mechanics production rooms and process technical room ventilation or renovations where the air intake and output cannot be installed together.
Functional description
AIRSOL® high-performance CCS-HR systems work with maximum exchange degrees. On the exhaust air side, the water-glycol mixture (intermediary medium) is warmed as close as possible to the exhaust air temperature. The warmed medium then circulates to the outdoor air systems and can warm up the air from outdoors. The AIRSOL® heat exchanger also has a maximum exchange degree in this area. The correctly regulated water-glycol amount in the intermediary circuit guarantees the maximum temperature difference.
In the summer mode, the exhaust air can be humidified adiabatically, the intermediary circuit cooles down and a supply air cooling is generated. The effect is maximised through the use of Mountair hybrid cooling elements.