The new powerful electronically controlled mobile low vacuum system offers a great range of applications independent of fixed vacuum and power supplies:
Apart from typical mobile post-operative pleura care, the new and more powerful system can be used for further appliances, which require e.g. a higher vacuum or special programme sequences. A maximum vacuum of -550 mbar and a totally free programmability open up a very broad field of applications as well as a high individuality.
The vacuum system consists of a powerful low vacuum suction pump, a single-use system of secret bottles, vacuum tubes and bacteria filter. The system is supplemented by a set of pump and bottle holder to fix pump and bottles at any hospital bed.
Maintaining vacuum in the pleura after spontaneous pneumothorax
Wound drainage, Redon drainage, suction of body secretion
Transport suction
Customized programmes for additional applications
Pressure loss or unreached set vacuum level
Bent vacuum tubes
Full secretion container
Low battery voltage
Intuitive, easy handling – small and light.
Low Noise operation / long battery operation.
Easy and early mobilisation of patients: Reduces work load for hospital staff.
Reduced danger of contamination as disconnection/ change of device unnecessary.
Cost efficiency due to individual and adequate secretion containers.
Cost savings for single use system and it´s disposal compared to other systems.
Increased client satisfaction.