MR4 Pro Sport Package-Choice of the Champions
LaserShower emitter (50,000 mW); more than most class IV lasers with a higher degree of safety
4 to 6 super pulsed GaAs laser diodes
20cm2 emitter treats 5X more area than standard SE25 emitter
Higher photonic density saturation for shorter treatments on broader areas
Ideal for treatment of spine,large muscle groups and low back
LaserStim emitter (25,000 mW) with super pulsed power. LaserStim with TARGET (Treatment Area Recognition and Guidance Enhanced Technology) enables clinicain to identify optimal treatment areas via an LED indicator and a sound alert. It then on its own applies a measured DOSE of treatment for fast, easy and accurate care.
Provides laser/electrical stimulation
Compatible with acupuncture & muscle trigger probes
4 treatment modes
Preset, LaserSweep, manual and patient programs
Simultaneous use of three laser emitters
Convenient and versatile
Forward compatible with new Multi Radiance Medical technology
470nm blue light, 640nm red light, 870nm infrared, 905nm super pulsed