Maximum active area with optimal ergonomics
Resistant to impact, dust and liquids
Plug-and-play with iCapture software
All-in-one iRYS software - Free Viewer and iPAD app
Zen-X E | The Enhanced sensor that takes performance in your practice to the next level
High resolution, extreme user-friendliness and maximum patient comfort
Optimise work with the new Zen-X E intraoralsensor.
Thin and comfortable for the patient, easy tohandle for dentists and assistants.
High quality images - even at low X-ray doses -ensure clear diagnosis and effective treatment.
Discover the features that allow Zen-X E todeliver an improved patient experience andsmoother workflows.
So tiny. So great.
Designed to streamline work
Zen-X E optimises ergonomics, improving both the patient experience and examination accuracy
Just 4.5 mm thick and featuring roundedcorners, Zen-X E minimizes patient discomfortand streamlines workflows.
Available in twosizes, both with an extensive active area tomaximise the view with a single exposure.
The Plug & Play system allows immediatedisplay of the image on a PC or laptop,minimising appointment times.
With Zen-X E you can count on accurate X-rayimaging for a wide range of exams, with specialpositioners ensuring precise framing.
With clear advantages for both the patients andthe practice.