Satou’s Curved Laryngo-Pharyngo Scope with mouth gag frame Example (Type-S2) To enable the endoscopic visualization of and easy surgical access to the wider anatomical locations of the oro-hypopharynx and larynx regions.
To secure the enhanced direct visualization of the targeting exposure in tonsillectomy surgery.
The curved shape of the pharynx opener enables to
reduce load onto the teeth, temporomandibular joint,
and cervical spine, and provides an excellent visual
exposure of the oro-hypopharynx and larynx region and
an appropriate working space.
The adjustable mouth gag frame improves the visual
exposure of the oral cavity and oropharynx to provide
sufficient visibility down to the tonsil lower pole even in
tonsillectomy*1 under direct vision.
The mouth gag is equipped with an adjuster which allows
the blade insertion at an arbitrary depth. Fine tuning is
possible simply by turning the adjuster.
This product can secure a good visual exposure even in
tonsillectomy*1, and a combined use with a transnasal
endoscope or an upper gastrointestinal endoscope can
result in more accurate diagnosis and effectiveness of the
operation by ELPS, ESD and EMR