In contrast to conventional patch-clamp electrophysiology, the SURFE²R (surface electrogenic event reader) technology is designed for the measurements of electrogenic transporters (symporters, exchangers and uniporters) and pumps. Usually these proteins have low turnover rates compared to ion channels. SURFE²R technology compensates for that with a large sensor size which allows for the measurement of up to 109 transporters at the same time to yield the best signal to noise ratio. The SURFE²R N1 was designed for basic research and universities. When higher throughput is required, the SURFE²R 96SE is able to measure 96 sensors in a fully parallel mode.
• Automated recordings with up to 52 different solutions
• 150 data points per day
• All-in-one device, including liquid handling, electrophysiology hardware and computer
• Easy-to-learn, ideal for teaching
• > 100 targets validated, 100 peer reviewed papers using SSM-based electrophysiology
• Transporters, pumps and ligand gated channels
• Measure even electroneutral exchangers and sugar binding
• Use purified membranes and vesicles from cells or proteoliposomes
• Label-free electrical measurements
• Requires only 0.1 – 1 µg protein per sensor. This is sufficient for up to 100 experiments.
• Real-time data with high time resolution, not single point read-out
• High signal amplification compared to patch-clamp
• Fast binding kinetics can be resolved
• EC50, IC50, rate constants, comparison of transporter variants,...