The CardioExcyte 96 is a hybrid system recording both contractility and electrophysiology of intact cardiomyocyte networks. In addition, the base impedance is continuously and automatically monitored as a measure of acute and chronic cell activity. No subtleties of cytotoxic responses are missed, this includes non-contractile cell types such as hepatocyte-like cells or cancer cells as well as contractile cardiac cells. Impedance and extracellular field potential measurements are performed at high resolution, are non-invasive and label-free. The CardioExcyte 96 is a fully automated device, recording from 96 wells at a time. The benefits the CardioExcyte 96 offers include:
Incubation system for hypoxic experimental conditions available
FLEXcyte 96 add-on for contractility under physiological conditions
Impedance & extracellular field potentials from the same well
96 recording wells in parallel
Non-invasive & label-free measurements
High resolution
Electrical and optical pacing options
Acute and chronic assessment of cell activity and toxicity
Incubation system for hypoxic experimental conditions available
Part of the CiPA validation study
With embedded electronics and a sophisticated sensor technology integrated in the well-plate based consumables, the CardioExcyte 96 is a turn-key system for efficient impedance and extracellular field potential measurements. The CardioExcyte 96 package includes an Incubation System which makes the system independent of an incubator. The system is placed on the bench top with maintained control over temperature, gas mix and humidity.