• Integrated breathing circuit with APLvavIe, excellent tightness.
• Replacing drive bellow is NOT required when operating Adult/ Pédiatrie anesthesia.
• Easy to operate, user friendly.
• Applied with 2 high-precision.(selectatec)
• 10.2 inch colour LCD screen with no dead space.
• Real-time detection for loops, Paw, BPM, VT and compliance.
• Comprehensive monitoring capabilities include Ventilation parameters monitoring.
Technique Specifications
Physical specficaticns
Dimensions 70*85*140
Weâght 65 kg
Casters Front wtieels with lock
Screen -LCD
Display - 10.2 inch
Patient range Adulut Pediatric
Lanauage - ENGLISH
Pipeline supply
Gas configuration : O2,N2O,Air
Pipeline input range: 280-600Kpa
Working specifiations:
Power - AC 220V±10%. 50Hz±2%
Current - 500mA max
Battery Power :
Battery type - Lead-acid 12V. 4Ah
Run-time - Typical 30 mins+. up to 2 hrs
Modes of Ventilation
VCV - Volume control ventilation
SIMV - Synchrcn zed Intermittent Mandatary Ventilation
SIPPV (A/C) - Synchrcnzed Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation
PCV - Pressure control ventilation
Stand-by - STAND-BY
Ventilator parameter
Working type - Electrcnically controlled. pneumatic driven
Tidal volume range - 20-1500ml
Pressure range - 5-60 cmH2O
Respiration rate range - 1-1 CmH2O (1-40 bom under SIMV)
PEEP range - 4:1-1:8
PEEP range - OFF. 3-30 CmH2O (Optional)
Ptrigger Range - 20-20 cmHsO (under PEEP)
Minute volume range ->18L/Min
SIGH range - 0-5/100
System standard -
Hypoxic guard system - N2O cut-off valve. O2 concentration >25%
Safety valve - <12.5kPa
O2 Rush - 25-75Umin
Volumne of CO2 absorber - 2.4L (double layer. 1.2L each)