Computer technology is used to control the peripheral devices (surgical devices, high-frequency devices, surgical lighting, operating table, etc.) in the operating room, so as to realize the real-time complete recording and management of the surgical procedure, and realize the information exchange between the operating room and external environment through the network multimedia communication system (for example, the PACS and HIS system resources are integrated through DICOM and HL7 to achieve seamless linking and perform remote medical activities, etc.). This solution utilizes the digital configuration of existing equipment in the operating room and utilizes the hospital digital network to integrate and innovate medical device system control functions, digital and network information functions, is called the new model of intelligent operating room solutions.
Intelligent Operating Room Construction Effects
Enhance the hospital's overall medical image and grade, and expand the hospital's visibility in the field.
Reduces costs through the optimization of the surgical work-flow, as the doctor completes the operating room equipment parameter settings with one click.
Intelligent control of existing systems such as endoscopic equipment, surgical equipment and peripheral systems.
Real-time management of intraoperative images (endoscope, open surgery, panorama) in the operating room such as: image freezing, photographing, video & audio recording, playback, editing, adding personalized watermarks, generating electronic medical records, seamlessly connecting PACS systems.