StrongStep® HSV 1/2 antigen rapid test is a breakthrough advance in the diagnosis of HSV 1/2 for it is designated for qualitative detection of HSV antigen, which boasts of high sensitivity and specificity.
HSV is an envelop, DNA-comtaining virus morphologically similar to the other members of the genus Herpesviridae.Two antigenically distinct types are recognized, designated type 1 and type 2.
HSV type 1 and 2 are frequently implicated in superficial infections of the oral cavity, the skin, the eye and the genitalia, Infections of the central nervous system (meningoencephalitis)and severe generalized infection in the neonate of immunocompromised patient are also seen, though more rarely. After the primary infection been resolved, the virus may exist in a latent form in nervous tissue, from where it may re-emerge, under certain conditions, to cause a recurrence of the symptoms.
The classical clinical presentation of genital herpes starts with widespread multiple painful macules and papules, which then mature into clusters of clear, fluid-filled vesicles and pustules. The vesicles rupture and form ulcers. Skin ulcers crust, whereas lesions on mucous membranes heal without crusting. In women, the ulcers occur at the introitus, labia, perineum, or perianal area. Men usually develop lesions on the penial shaft or glans. The patient usually develops tender inguinal adenopathy. Perianal infections are also common in MSM. Pharyngitis may develop with oral exposure.
Serology studies suggest that 50 million people in the United States have genital HSV infection. In Europe, HSV-2 is found in 8-15% of the general population.