Benchtop microfluidic cell sorting.
Healthy Cells
At < 2 psi, the WOLF G2 are gentler than any conventional cell sorters, enabling healthier cells post-sort, especially for engineered lines, primary cells, and stem cells.
High Sensitivity and Resolution
All laser configurations afford < 250 MESF sensitivity, along with forward and back scatter, providing as low as 1 μm resolution.
Compact and at your bench
At 2 cubic feet, NanoCellect’s benchmark for access and performance allows every lab for the flexibility to do analysis and sorting into tubes or 96- and 384-well plates.
Simple and Intuitive
Intuitive software, fixed optics, no fluidics cart and less than one minute clean-up time.
Contaminant- and Biohazard-Free
Disposable, aerosol-free microfluidic cartridge allows for sterile sorting that protects the sample from the environment and scientist from the sample.