Benchtop microfluidic cell sorter.
Cell sorting made for every lab
Gentle Cell Sorting
Live cells can be damaged by conventional cell sorters, resulting in a low-quality cell population. At <2 psi, the WOLF’s microfluidic channel is gentler than any conventional cell sorter or flow cytometer, allowing for higher populations of healthy, sorted cells with improved cell viability.
Easy to use
There’s no need to be a flow cytometry expert in order to use the WOLF. The software interface is intuitive, user-friendly and simple. There is no fluidics cart, and the optics are fixed – resulting in less complexity, less clean-up, and more time for experiments.
The WOLF allows for maximum flexibility, accessibility and convenience as a benchtop cell sorter in individual labs. At 2 cubic feet, the WOLF has a small footprint and easily fits inside a biosafety cabinet.
Affordable and inexpensive to maintain
The WOLF doesn’t need a fluidics cart and uses a disposable cartridges so maintenance is simple and economical. Save money on important experiments by using an affordable and approachable cell sorter.
Sterile and disposable
The WOLF utilizes a sterile and disposable cartridge, which makes sorting biohazardous samples safe by not producing any aerosols. Cross-contamination is never an issue, as every cartridge is disposable and allows for a clean sample run, every time.