The WOLF cell sorter has several accessories that provide additional capabilities to the instrument
N1 Single-Cell Dispenser Accessory
A module for the WOLF Cell Sorter to sort and dispense into 96-well or 384-well plates.
Applications requiring the isolation, sorting and dispensing of single cells, such as B-cell identification for antibody discovery, or monoclonal CHO cell line development, are now easier with the N1 Single-Cell Dispenser. Additionally, single-cell genomics assays can be performed where single cells are plated directly into PCR plates.
Users can select one population of cells for single-cell deposition into 96- or 384-well plates or choose two different populations of cells for bulk cell sorting. Each well of a 96- or 384-well plate can receive anywhere from 1 to 100 cells as they are sorted from the sample.
The N1 Single Cell Dispenser is seamlessly integrated into the intuitive software. Select single-cell deposition mode, map out your plate, and the instrument is ready to go. The WOLF cell sorter and dispenser work together to deliver plated cells in a compact and affordable format. After sorting, data from each cell is indexed well-by-well, allowing for confirmation of the plated cell.