NEX-t Panel v1.0 targets a series of characteristic sequences selected from the genomes of hundreds of pathogens including viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. It covers a rich range of content including 16S/ITS, housekeeping genes, drug-resistant related genes, and more.
Innovative and Unique Design
NEX-t Panel v1.0 primarily consists of the following three components:
(1) Probes designed for characteristic sequences of hundreds of species, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, as listed in Table 1.
● Comparison of multiple reference sequences within species or genera, selecting regions within probe tolerance range and containing certain a degree of diversity.
● Incorporation of sequences involved in Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST).
● Integration of relevant literature.
(2) A small set of universal probes designed for 16S/ITS.
● Reference from multiple databases (SILVA,Greengenes,RDP,Unite)
(3) Probes designed for drug resistance, virulence, and related genes.
Can RNA samples be directly used for library preparation with this kit?
No. This kit is compatible only with gDNA or cDNA as initial samples. For RNA samples, reverse transcription to generate cDNA is required prior to library preparation.
What is the recommended input range? How to handle inputs exceeding this range?
This kit supports 50-2,000 ng of gDNA or cDNA. For input amount exceeds 2,000 ng, split the sample into multiple reactions to maintain amplification efficiency.
What is the insert size of this kit? How to select sequencing read length?
The main peak of PCR products by using this kit is ~270 bp. PE150 sequencing is recommended for high-quality coverage.