Training simulator Life/form®
wound managementnursing carekit

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training simulator
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training, wound management
nursing care


Augment training and enhance simulation exercises at every level of healthcare with this versatile, high-quality kit. Kit includes: Wounds: Abrasion Burn, 1st Degree Burn, 2nd Degree, Deep Partial Thickness Burn, 2nd Degree, Superficial Partial Thickness Burn, 3rd Degree Chicken Pox Cyst: infected Dehiscence Incisions: normal and infected Lacerations: superficial and deep Lyme Disease Shingles Makeup and Accessories: Alcohol prep swabs Application sticks Ash dust powder Black soot powder Blood blister makeup Blood colored modeling wax Brushes Clotted red makeup Dirt powder Foam wedges Gloves Glycerin Hard carry case Injury shades makeup Light cream makeup Liquid Latex Magic blood powder Red rubber round Scissors Spirit Gum Spirit Gum Remover Spray bottle (empty) Stipple sponges Wet Wipes White towel


*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.