Training simulator SB52380
puncturebiopsyemergency care

training simulator
training simulator
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training, puncture, biopsy
emergency care, anatomy


Learn and practice bone marrow biopsy procedures of the posterior spine and pelvic region. Modeled from an average-size female pelvic bone and spine. Palpate landmarks such as the spinous process and the anterior and posterior iliac crests. Facilitates proper biopsy needle placement. Tilt base simulates treating patients in prone or side-lying positions Right and left posterior iliac crest bone inserts are replaceable and incorporate simulated bone marrow that can be extracted during simulated biopsy procedures to confirm proper technique. Body skin shell has a soft feel. Remove body skin shell to expose the entire underlying pelvic/spine anatomy and to facilitate iliac crest bone insert replacement. Puncture site insert over posterior iliac crest bones is also replaceable, allowing for multiple site punctures. Includes: body skin shell Puncture site skin insert Left and right iliac crest bone insert (6 sets) Tilt stand Carrying case


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