Training simulator SB40228
intramuscular injectionfor general carearm

training simulator
training simulator
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training, intramuscular injection
for general care


This high-quality simulator represents a right upper arm with all important anatomical palpable landmarks such as the acromion and humerus. It allows practicing correct intramuscular and subcutaneous injections in an exceptionally graphic way. The built-in fine electronics produce audio-visual feedback of the result, e.g. correct or incorrect injection, bone contact, or wrong localization. Additional trainings and control modes optionally provide an immediate or subsequent performance check under training conditions. The included lifelike silicone skin is extremely durable and can be quickly and easily exchanged when necessary. The simulator is supplied with two "AA" batteries, a detailed instruction manual, replacement skin, 5 ml syringe, and a 21G/0.8 injection needle.


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