The CardioHolter ECG is a compact, comprehensive and feature-rich monitoring system. Our 5-7 and 12- lead Holters are fully interpretive with pacemaker detection. Our system is EMR compatible with an unlimited database. (recorders can be worn for 24-96 hours)
Device Options and Features
Free Training and Toll-free Technical Support
One AA Alkaline Battery (disposable)
Digital Recorder: 3.45"W x 2.6"H x .75"D (5 ounces with battery)
Two-year Software Warranty, Two-year Recorder Warranty
Free Upgrades (during two-year warranty period)
User Selectable Arrhythmia Variable Settings
Standard Reports to Screen or Printer: Summary of Test with Diagnostics, Event/Episode Reports, Full Disclosure of all ECG’s
Heart Rate Variability Histograms, R-R Dispersion Graphs, ST Graphs, VF Tables/Graphs
Includes Software and Database Management System (no additional cost)
Storage of Patient ECG Records to Hard Drive, Floppy or any Storage Medium
Complex Classifications: PVC, VE Run, Couplet, Triplet, Bigeminy, Trigeminy, R on T, SVPB, SVE Run, Pauses, PE, AFib, Bradycardia, Tachycardia
For Flash Recorder: Removable COMPACT FLASH Memory Cards (standard CF compact flash card)
Flash Uses CF Compact Flash Card Slot as Download Interface
On-screen Condensed/Zoom View: 1 or 10 minutes, 2 or 4-second Intervals