Real-time measurement of carbon dioxide (CO₂), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), fine particles PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 and formaldehyde (HCHO)
Illuminated alert and 3 display modes
Notification of actions to be taken in the event of poor indoor air quality
Compliance with the decree on indoor air quality in public buildings - IAQ decree 2023
Downloadable data history
Monitor your air quality
Air Coach Pro Formaldehyde for IAQ analysis and its evolution over time. CO2, VOCs, fines particles (PM1, PM2.5 PM10)
Mesure à lecture directe des polluants de l'air intérieur
Direct-reading measurement
Three educational display modes for direct-reading measurements that everyone can understand.
Adoptez les bons gestes de qualité d'air grâce aux conseils du capteur de qualité de l'air
Practice the right behaviour
Air Coach guides you through the best practices for effectively controlling your indoor air.
Installation simple et rapide des appareils de mesure de qualité de l'air
Quick and easy to install
Your Air Coach Pro air quality monitor is easy to install in any environment.
Do you know what you’re breathing?
The Air Coach Pro Formaldehyde indoor air quality measurement device detects and measures 6 pollutants in real time. If these pollutants are present in too high a concentration in our indoor environment, they can have harmful effects on our health.
Protégez-vous des polluants chimiques (COV) présents dans les peintures, colles, vernis
Volatile Organic Compounds – VOCs
VOCs are chemical substances that come from paints, cleaning products, furniture and building materials