It is specially designed for home care use with its compact base and reduced dimensions, along with its mechanical opening legs.
As an option, it is available with a lithium battery which enhances the use of the device by increasing the time of use and reducing the charging time.
Due to its compact base and its reduced dimensions, it has been specially designed for home care use, where the doors openings are very narrow and where the lifting space is limited.
Its mechanical opening base legs, from 55 cm to 78 cm, allows large widths armchairs or wheelchairs and an ease of access.
The FLYER COMPACT with mechanical opening legs is mostly recommended:
– for a patient who has no self-support
– for a patient who is totally dependent and bedridden
– Securing spreader bar for the patient
– Wheels tread suitable for interior floors
– Suitable for confined spaces due to its compactness
– Easy folding/unfolding without any tools for easy transport
– 4-point spreader bar for an even weight distribution
– Easy transport due to its folding capability
– Mechanical opening legs
– Reduced height of the front wheels to pass under the lowest beds