Dual Dental Simulators provide training and practise to the dentist and dental students to work on the simulated patient - Dental Phantomhead with the look and feel close to a real patient and real dental procedure, training both their manual dexterity and problem-solving skills.
Designed for universities and dental training centres, they feature a compact structure that helps to maximise space by creating self-contained learning stations. They reduce the gap between pre-clinical and clinical education. They provide a complete, ergonomic simulation that simulate lifelike situations, as in a clinical setting.
A complete system for 1 / 2 students reproducing the dental clinic environment and simulating realistically various clinical treatment procedures.
Dual Dental Simulator includes
*2 Complete Phantomhead with Torso,
*Soft Gums Navadha ZX Typodont Jaws,
*2 Lights
*2 Delivery Units complete with Air Water Syringe, coupling for High Speed hand piece, coupling for Low Speed Hand Piece, Booster Bottles, Foot Paddle.