Dental simulators, training, and practice equipment that allows the dentist and dental students to work on the simulated patient (Dental Phantomhead) with the look and feel close to a real patient and real dental procedure, training both their manual dexterity and problem-solving skills.
The dental simulator or phantom head provides simulation under a close to reality and more practical situation resembling actual treatment in various training areas, such as restorative and prosthetic areas, endodontics, implantology so that one can acquire skill and precisely controlled techniques.
By combining the dental simulator with the wide variety of jaw models that we offer, you can practically and effectively practice dental treatment training with a focus on safety, reliability, and quickness.
Torso Dimensions 380 mm x 160 mm x 250mm
Dental Exercise Unit complere with:
Phantom head with head movement,
Full face mask,
Dental model Navadha ZX
Small Shoulder Torso
Mounting assembly with plate
With belts for fixation on a dental chair