Navadha Integrated Dental Simulator allows dental students to work on the simulated patient -Dental Phantomhead manikin with the look and feel close to a real patient, training both their manual dexterity and problem-solving skills. Navadha Simulator combines decades of dental insight with advanced design to ease every student's transition from simulation lab to clinic.
Fully Integrated unit, with
*Silent Oil Free Compressor,
*Fast Hand piece,
*Slow Hand Piece,
*Low Suction, Air-Water Syringe,
*Micro-motor connection (optional),
*Examination Light,
*Fittings make the unit Mobile/Stationery,
*iTorso or cSim Phantomhead with unbreakable Polymer full Torso with adumbrated arms and shoulders.
*Stainless Steel & Aluminum non-rusting parts,
*Facility to recline / adjust height / angulation of the Torso,
*Soft Gums Typodont Jaw Set,
*Universal Articulator that fits all type of Jaws,
*Storage drawer facility,
Zero Piping, instant installation, Optional facility to install Monitor and Camera for Live relay and recording training sessions.