Teleradiology services for healthcare facilities requesting remote diagnosis and for teleradiologists
ACETIAM-Connect takes care of you in the implementation of your teleradiology project and the monitoring of your healthcare activity.
ACETIAM manages your whole teleradiology activity, and allows you to follow its evolution.Thanks to a growing number of healthcare facilities and teleradiologists, the ACETIAM-Connect network allows a better cooperation between healthcare professionals.
Teleradiology case
Ensure a structured cooperation between remote healthcare professionals with specific forms adapted to the related modalities and your medical workflow.
Teleradiology CT for the Scans
Teleradiology MR for the MRI
Teleradiology CR for X-rays
Healthcare duty planning
Scheduling and management of duty planning.
Automatic cases transfer to physicians during their healthcare duty periods.
Monitoring your activity : invoicing, statistics…
Access a portal to monitor your teleradiology activity :
Follow the invoices in a simple and secure way thanks to the automatic invoicing service
Follow the case exchange activity thanks to the statistics system
Medical imaging View
Immediate access (streaming) in order to diagnose remotely an imaging exam in accordance with medical regulations.
Web Viewer with diagnostic quality (CE and FDA Class IIa), streaming server to immediately access to remote exams
Structuring and traceability of exchanges
Advanced features : 3D, fusion, annotations…
Videoconferencing service
Being able remotely to drive exams :
HD, integrated, secure video (encrypted data flow)
Desktop sharing to visualize together an exam