Volume Orientation
The volume orientation is achieved automatically by entering key measurements of the clinical exploration: average maxillar line, canine border, yaw and real vertical profile. The mandibular rim is used as clinical verification.
Lateral radiographies, ATM sections, overhead and panoramic analyses are produced during stage 2. These records are stored in the imaging library for subsequent viewing and analysiss.
Fusion of Models
The fusion of models is a tedious and offputting process for doctors in all programs available in the market. Thanks to FAB-patented algorithms it can be carried out automatically in seconds.
Design of Osteotomies
Surgeons now have full control over the design of osteotomies based on their own styles and techniques. This customisation improves the prediction and precision in the surgery as all relationships within the different fragments are visible in a precise way.
Benefits of the system NemoFab
Total control during the diagnostics and treatment planning process.
Reduced times in diagnostics and planning.
Design of the surgical splint in less time
Tested methodologies.
The surgeon can use as much time as he believes necessary in any of the diagnostic stages and planning of treatment. The surgeon is in control.
3D Cephalometric Tracing
The surgeon now has the advantage of being able to digitalise the volume of the scanner to an unprecedented level of precision. "Key" measurements are obtained automatically to lead the way in securing excellent results.