Neo NaviGuide System is a digitized implant treatment solution that assists implantologists to place implants based on restorative needs and surgical requirements. Digital workflow based on Neo NaviGuide solution allows fast and convenient communication, and lessens the burden of implantologist with reasonable expense
01 Predictable surgery
More predictable implant placement can be done as the implantologist’s treatment plan becomes a clinical reality with Neo NaviGuide
02 Simulation of treatment plan
With the visualization of implant planning, the patients will get a good impression during the consultation by explaining the treatment plan in a clear and visual way.
03 Saving Surgery Time
Save valuable time and increase treatment efficiency by using the customized surgical template. In addition to this, the patients will be more satisfied with less clinic visit
04 Minimally Invasive Surgery
Due to minimal flap opening, the patient will bleed less, and the risk of infection will be lowered.
05 Prosthetic-driven digital workflow
The success rate of the surgery will be raised as it became possible to find the optimal balance between the implants and the prostheses as the surgery is planned based on the final restoration.
06 Positive implant experience for patients
Patient who has experienced safe and pain-less digitized implant surgery will make a positive decision when he needs to decide for another implant surgery.