MULTI SPOT PRICKING: Trainees can practice multiple needle insertions at the same spot without worrying about leakage, enhancing their technique and confidence.
ANATOMICAL ACCURACY: Replicates the intricate anatomy of the venous system, including the median cubital vein connecting basilic and cephalic veins.(H-Pattern) fostering a comprehensive learningexperience.
ANATOMICAL VARIATION : or median basilic vein and median cephalic vein joining to form the median vein. (Y-Pattern).
PALPABLE REALISM : Experience realistic palpation proper- ties. allowing trainees to develop their skills in identifying vein locations.
LOSS OF RESISTANCE : Our training pad mimics the authen- tic sense of loss of resistance when the needle is correctly inserted into the vein, refining the art of venous access.
COMPATIBILITY: Seamlessly integrates with needles. In- travenous cannulas, and vacutainers. ensuring familiarity with real-world medical equipment.
BLOOD WITHDRAWAL AND INFUSION : Provides the unique ability to practice blood withdrawal and infusion, ensuring proficiency in these critical procedures..
SMOOTH INTRAVENOUS MEDICATION: Trainees can ad- minister intravenous medication confidently, experiencing the sensation of smooth medicine delivery when the needle is correctly positioned.
OBSTRUCTION DETECTION : Experience resistance while inserting the needle, indicating incorrect positioning, and witness simulated extravasation if the needle is improperly placed.