The DSC 404 F1 Pegasus®, High-Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimeter, is designed for the exact determination of specific heat of high-performance materials at high temperatures.
Determination of thermodynamic properties of ceramics and metallic high-performance materials
Performance of quantitative enthalpy and cp determinations in a pure gas atmosphere
Characterization of amorphous metals, shape memory alloys and inorganic glasses
This DSC 404 F1 Pegasus® stands for highest flexibility, excellent quality and optimal performance.
The DSC 404 F1 Pegasus® comprises a high-capacity heat flux DSC for highly sophisticated application measurements.
The concept of the DSC 404 F1 Pegasus® allows configuration for up to eight different furnace types, easily interchangeable by the user, for a wide temperature range within -150°C to 2000°C (please see accessories).
We offer diverse sensors for DSC and DTA measurements, various crucible types as well as a great variety of technical accessories.
A graphite furnace with W/Re sensors
For DTA-measurements up to 2000°C is available
with unique OTS® system is available
Optional available is the TM-DSC software feature
For temperature modulation of the DSC signal
The Proteus® Software includes everything you need to carry out a measurement and evaluate the resulting data. Through the combination of easy-to-understand menus and automated routines, a tool has been created that is extremely user-friendly and, at the same time, allows sophisticated analysis.The Proteus®® Software is licensed with the instrument and can of course be installed on other computer systems.