NeuViz Prime is a revolutionary product of Neusoft CT family. Gantry rotating faster than ever before: spectral imaging is offered relying on leading-edge hardware and software reformations.
• Uncompromised with heart rate: With 0.259s ultrafast rotation speed, NeuViz Prime never compromises with the high heart rate.
Arrhythmia handling andCMC (Coronary Motion Artifact Clear) will also help to ensure successful coronary artery exam.
• Ultra-HD imaging: Micro focus spot: Quad-Sampling technology work with iHD (isotropic High Definition) and 1024 matrix, the spatial resolution can reach 30 Ip/cm 0%MTF.
• Dual energy innovation: Spectral imaging adds tissue characterization to morphology, improves the value of radiological department.
• Low dose design: Unique 60kV scanning provides clinical breakthroughs on low dose scanning. It’s significantly bénéficiai to pediatrics. ClearView itérative reconstruction algorithm can reduce dose for patients of ail âges.