Suitable for radiologists and orthopaedic, otolaryngology and dentistry specialists, NewTom 7G lets you capture accurate information on bone tissues - micro- structures included - to gain an in-depth understanding of the overall clinical picture. NewTom 7G, then, boosts the diagnostic capacity of the surgery and, at the same time, optimises analysis of treatment outcomes, all at low dosages and lower costs compared to conventional procedures.
Features and specs
ln-depth detail, Big picture
Featuring a large gantry aperture, the NewTom 7G is the most advanced CBCT device on the market.
NewTom 7G is suitable for very heavy patients thanks to a high-capacity powered patient table (max 215 kg).
At the same time NewTom 7G has ail the functions and automatisms needed to adapt FOVs and X-ray doses to the patient's build (especially those of paediatric âge). With a resolution of up to 90 pm, small complex structures such as the inner ear can be analysed with the utmost précision.
Unmatched power
High-End Performance
Broader diagnostic range
Total control
Safety for the patient
Complété Connectivity
Di.V.A. e Easy Check
NewTom 7G brings cutting-edge CBCT into all-new fields of application. It can be used to investigate innumerable anatomical areas in a wide range of clinical applications, both 3D with numerous FOVs and 2D (also sequentially).
Anatomical areas:
Maxillofacial: Full skull
Gnathology: Bilateral TMJ
Dentistry: Dentition
Orthopaedics: Cervical Rachis, Shoulder, Elbow, Hand, Wrist, Lumbar Spine Cross Sections, Hip, Knee, Heel, Foot, Ankle, Arthrograms
Otorhinolaryngology: Dacryography, Cochlear implant, Inner ear, Airways