Germicidal lamps PROLUX G ® under direct and indirect radiation
Ultraviolet radiation
Ultraviolet radiation can be described as an optical, electromagnetic, radiation with a wavelength of 100 nm to 1 mm.Germicídne žiariče
Ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of 100 nm to 400 nm can be divided into:
UVA 315-400 nm
UVB 280-315 nm
UVC 100-280 nm
Germicidal radiation
Germicidal radiation - UVC wavelength 253.7 nm is invisible. This radiation, in the UVC spectrum, causes decay of microorganisms by disrupting their DNA and thus destructing them. The blue light produced by germicidal lamps is only a side product in this case and it is not disinfecting. Germicidal radiation does not permeate through dim, non-transparent materials, or regular glass. This radiation only permeates through a clear quartz glass and special Teflon foil.
Germicidal lamps
Germicidal lamps are devices that serve for disinfection by using of ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of 253.7 nm. Germicidal lamps PROLUX G ® are class II. Medical instruments and thus are checked and tested by a certified person, by numerous clinical tests, they are registered and approved by SUKL (The State Institute for Drug Control). Their usage and effectiveness have been tested over decades of practical experience. If used properly, no harm can be caused by unwanted exposure. It is however necessary to adhere to some principals.