It is a precision diagnostic panel that can be used to test for major genetic mutations related to solid tumors using NGS.
Guidance for cancer treatment based on NGS-based precision diagnostics
SOLIDaccuTest™ can simultaneously test for mutations in about 100 genes associated with major types of cancer such as lung cancer, colorectal cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, and breast cancer based on NGS. By providing optimal targeted therapy information, it allows medical professionals to make patient-specific diagnoses.
Can be used in combination with automated genome big data analysis software
SOLIDaccuTest™ can be used in combination with NGeneAnalySys, automated genome big data analytics software. It is designed to apply and automatically analyze the NGS data using the bioinformatics pipeline and issue a clinical report in a streamlined process.
Shortened data analysis time
Application of an In-house bioinformatics analysis pipeline
Verification of a list of diverse variations and clinical significance through automatic analysis
Preparation of clinical reports tailored to user needs