Biofeedback for orthopedic rehabilitation
BFB4 – Two-channel electromyographic biofeedback
The BFB4 is composed of a single electronic unit that integrates both a PC-Tablet (in which the application software is pre-installed) and the patient interface, to which the two are connected patient cables. The latter are connected to the single-patient adhesive electrodes using special clips. Power is provided exclusively by the battery contained inside the Tablet.
From a very in-depth analysis of the available literature, it emerges that countless scientific articles have been written around the world on the use of biofeedback in orthopedic rehabilitation.
Analyzing the composition of these works shows that the knee, the ankle, the shoulder and the cervical segment of the spine are the most followed joints. However, little work has been carried out on the remaining anatomical sites and in particular on muscle trauma, on the trunk and on the hip. Beyond the statistical relevance of these works, it is clear that today it is possible to define a state of the art in the field of rehabilitation protocols with biofeedback, so much so that even the National Tariff Nomenclator includes at least two items of "Individual motor re-education in motula... included biofeedback” among the specialized outpatient services recognized nationally by the LEAs.
Having said this, based on the bibliographical references analyzed during the Clinical Validation, as regards the therapeutic indications, these can be defined as follows: Exercises assisted by feedback in motor rehabilitation, with the additional possibility of real-time comparison between two muscles (for example “agonist”/”antagonist”).